The wizard man himself. Welcome to my World!

Bienvenidos a la pagina de wizardguy!

Hi there, i'm billy! I just graduated three years ago from a small skewl in Midland, Michigan.
Right now, i am going to Central Michigan University where i am studying computer science
and i am minoring in espanol (spanish).
click here to see a picture of me!

If you need me, you can get in touch with me at WIZARDGUY@GEOCITIES.COM Mail to wizard sign my guestbook

Para Espanoles! Hola! me llamo billy (mi nombre de las computadoras es hechicero) Me gusta esquiar, nadar, dormir, y los juegos de video. Tengo un otro sombrero de Goofy, y yo "goofo" con el. Mi mejor amigo compro' un otro sombrero de goofy para mi. Yo dice' que yo "goofaria" segun, y yo goofia' cada dia!!!!!! Te gusta mi pagina? Si? me escribe... No? no me escribe

-If you like what i have done here, please feel free to e-mail me and tell me about it.Piss on that mac!Sorry

"To err is really mess up requires a MAC!"

copyright 1997 wizardguy