Welcome to my page! I'm the owner of this homepage. I am a chinese girl from Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. Want to know anything about me? Just go to
my profile page and you'll get to know something about me.
I am still a university student studying in Business Administration. You can know more about my faculty, Faculty of Business Administration in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia)
Well, I have an online photo album in this homepage. You may click the link to my personal photo album to choose the album which you want to view. You will reach the password page which will require you to enter the password. You will get to view the page if you have my password. ^_^
I have put some pictures of my country, Malaysia in my homepage too. Hope you will take some time to view it in the scenery of Malaysia.
If you are a Form 6 student, you can try to find some information for your General Paper from the assignments that was done by my school and classmates. Hope you'll find the assignments of General Paper page useful for you.
If you want to find any information or want to take a look on Malaysia's universities, try link to any university that you're interested in the universities in Malaysia page.
Thanks for visiting my homepage. Please don't forget to sign or view my guestbook. Do come back again when you have the time.