| The Guest Book |
Cavern of the Mind
The cavern has been offline for several months now, so I figure its time to get off my butt and do something about it!!

For the next few weeks the site will be an absolute mess (sorry), but eventually there will be sections on:

UWS Nepean - My current university
Astronomy/Astrophysics - Don't go here yet - seriously under construction!!!!
All the other subjects.... - Ditto
Tattoos/Piercing - nothing here yet - not even an index page
Jewellery - I was an apprentice jeweller for about 5 seconds
Current Geocities Issues - Gotta keep up to date, right?
Info on HTML & site design - Who doesn't need a little help on occasion?
Art - A little bit of culture never hurt anyone (but only a little bit, mind)

Any thing else that catches my attention at the time!

In the meantime,I can be contacted with any comments or suggestions. Unfortunately you can no longer sign my Guest Book as Yahoo don't support the original Geocities guest books, and I'll be buggered if I'm making another one. However, you can still read it should you feel the urge - there's entries going back to 1997.

If you would like to be told when these pages are up and running let me know. In the mean time - if you do enter those pages under construction all I can say is - I warned you!!!!!

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