To Morpheus's House of Dreams

A page dedicated!!

Kill with Kitty Power!!

Hi!! My real name is Edmund Allison by the way...but I bet you all know me or why else would you be visiting the page? Thanks for visiting my rather minimalist page...I am a total beginner at home pages but I wanted to make my own so that I could say I had one. Oh least I'm honest. Anyway...a little about me. I'm a junior at Penn State. I'm an ERM major (Environmental Resource Management) and as you can probably guess i love being outside. I am also a writer of bad poetry ( i haven't gotten the courage to post any yet) a borderline obsessive music fanatic (i have a cd collection of over 200) and i'm into sci/fi fantasy books and modern european literature. I'm very open minded and am always willing to try something new. I know i haven't updated this page in a while..but here it is. I'm sure i will be changing it in the future (possibly to add my poetry but only if i'm feeling expecially uninhibited). Well enough with the's Morpheus's House of Dreams!!!!! Rather pretentious don't ya think....but it's my page so I can do whatever I there!!! Rather than trying to describe what I look's a picture of me =).

The first poem I ever wrote "My True Love"

Another poem I wrote Sept, 99, "Eagle"

My top 5 favorite songs

1. Angel - Sarah McLachlan

2. Script For a Jester's Tear - Marillion

3. Pictures of You - the Cure

4. Song to the Siren - This Mortal Coil (anyone who knows where i can get the original version by Tim Buckley PLEASE e-mail me)

5. Somebody - Depeche Mode

Midi's and other cool stuff!!

Depeche Mode "But Not Tonight"

Erasure "Blue Savannah"

Fleetwood Mac "Gypsy"

Super Mario Theme Song

Magic 8 Ball Download

Download Tetris here!!

My one and only award and i'm proud of it too! :)

Links to other sites on the Web

Playsite Games and Chat the best chat and game site on the net!! You gotta go here =) Any chess players interested in challenging Grandmaster Morpheus to a game..drop me a line!!
ICQ the site for ICQ....don't surf the web without it!!
Hotmail free e-mail...and free is always good!!
Audionet free online jukebox..perfect for poor college students like me who can't afford to buy every CD out there. Warning, do need real audio.
Megan's Page Megan's page!!..she's a great friend and fun to talk to and get the point...(she did not bribe me to say this ..hehe)
Karate Sue's Page Karate Sue's poetry page..another friend of mine (from Playsite)..this site has poems from many amateur poets (and will soon include one of mine..hehe!!)
Pennsylvania State University where i go to college...needs no introduction...where I spend most of my time when I'm not online =) um..go Lions!
Christy's page Here's Christy's page...she's another dear friend who i've known since almost the first day i discovered the net :) Oh yeah and she has a beautiful page too :) visit it!
Janessa's Page Janessa, my #pa friend, visit her page, it's really pretty and has lots of sad yet beautiful poems for you to read

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