NOTE: If you want to see my journal entries from the past (from 01-15-99 to 03-25-02), check out my journal archives page. Enjoy! :-)
11-20-05 Fixed up more stuff on my web site. Updated some things that were outdated and got some of the links restored. Posted pictures of the house we are in the process of buying. Still trying to get all of the pages back up and running. CAUTION: Some links on my web site may still not work!07-07-04 Hello! I am finally back up and online! Hooray! Looks like everything on this web site somehow vanished last year (THANKS a lot, Geocities), so now I am trying to get everything back up and running. Good thing I had some of this stuff backed-up on my old hard drive. I am also adding some major updates as well! Most of the links to my pages will not work; I apologize for the inconvenience. But stay tuned and keep checking back while I *slowly* get this web site back to normal...
This page was last updated on 11/20/05.