These pictures were taken shortly before we launched as we were nearing completion!! She still has the old red stripe at the water line in the 1st photo, and this is just after having moved all the support stands. In the next shot, We've finished under the stands and have started the new dark blue water line stripe.
For most of the family (Jeff's side), you probably had no idea she was so big. This is when Jeff likes to say "she's only 28 ft. in the water, but 56 ft. when she's out".
You might be tempted to think this was shot in paradise. Well for me it was! This is an oldie but goodie. Those clouds had just cleared out all the humidity and it was an absolutely gorgeous day. Some family members actually might remember this anchorage as the Yeocomico River. Ed and Christopher have both been there with me. This is about 8 miles from the mouth of the Potomac River, but about 2.5 hrs. from the nearest civilization.
You may have heard some rumuors that after all the work and effort I've put into the Bayou, she's up for sale. Well, it's true! Why? Well simply, I want another bigger one! If you haven't gathered by now, I really enjoy sailing and although the work is hard and rigorous and dirty and all that stuff, there are the payoffs that come with it. Such as incredible sailing adventures, knowledge gained, pride in a job done right... and don't forget the margaritas. I've had approximately 7 inquiries on the boat since posting it 2 weeks ago on a few internet sites. Yesterday I showed it to a gentleman from Philly who sails the Northern Chesapeake. I don't think he'll buy it, but I've got a few more. I hoping she'll sell so I can hurry on to my next round of adventures. Check back here for more updates in the future!!
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