Congratultions, Mrs. Karen Calderaro , Mrs. Estelle Mah and Mrs. Fion Madan!
Please sign the Guestbook at the bottom of the page!
You have witnessed a Typhoon #9 for the first time since 1983!
The latest info on Hong Kong Weather!
Hope you enjoyed the 1997 U of T Summer Program in Hong Kong!
Here's the humorous 1997 "most likely to.." list!
Did you know?
Remember Sammi? She had a date with Toronto at the Star Show!
CNN Handover Gallery Travel Report from Canadian Consular Affairs
A witness to the rainy political changeover, an opportunity to live and study at University of Hong Kong, being emerged into the Hong Kong frenzy and culture - while staying in tune with Canadian ideals (ie: CDROMs, movies, and malls), visiting all those different places
on so many means of transportation, and meeting/living with a whole bunch of strange new friends .. what an amazing summer of new discoveries! Eddie How was your summer? Mine was fantastic! I was venturing on the other side of the world as part of the 1997 UofT Summer Program in Hong Kong. Picked up a few cool lines from my philosophy course. Here is one of my favorites:
"Do nothing and nothing will not be done." - Laozi
Wow, isn't that profound, eh? I often ponder the meaning of this phrase when I am staring at my blank screen during assignments. (BTW, Steve Jobs went to India to search for enlightenment before starting Apple!) Fion Fion and Edmond are both crazy! Iris
And here are some photos..
Stop complaining! It'll take up to 30 seconds to load at Run Run Shaw Lab.
: 5th Anniversary Mini Get-Together Jan.17/99: Summer Fun(nies) Do you remember the night? Oldies Pictures!!
Please keep your seatbelts on until the plane has come to a complete stop. Welcome to the NEW Chek Lap Kok Airport.
The weather in Hong Kong at this time is... The Hong Kong SAR is in a constant frenzy. Take care! Thank you for flying with Air Internet. You may now begin your journey (and take off your seatbelt)!
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Last Updated on October 8th, 2004 - 14:00
Disclaimer: The ideas and opinions expressed on this set of pages are solely those of our webmasters, and not of Yahoo! GeoCities, nor the University of Toronto.