Greetings from Las Vegas!!!....
Okay, so about me. Well, I'm Dave Paseornek and I'm in my junior year at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. I really enjoy playing the guitar-- in fact, I've been playing almost all my life. I also guess you can call me a huge Yankees fan. I've been into the Yankees for as long as I can remember.

This is a picture of my girlfriend Debbie and me.
Debbie's the greatest!!

College couldn't be better!!
Don't believe me??? .. well I have the pics to prove it!!! So, click HERE for more!!!

I follow the Yankees What a great year!!!!! You can gets all the information you need about the team at their Home Page.

Guitars...What more is there to say!!! And there are plenty of places on the web to get all the information you need. Try some of these to start:

Official Fender Home Page

Official Gibson Home Page

Official Washburn Home Page

ESP Guitar Home Page

Ever Need Tickets to a Concert, Show,or Family Event?
Click Right In The Middle

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Most recent revision June 27, 1999