Who TheAre We?

The DJ's at Radio Glendon all volunteer, and most are students at Glendon. We recieve support from local musicians, and music companies in the form of CD's, Vinyl, and giveaway's.

If you or a friend are planning to attend Glendon, we invite you to contact us about taking part in our student organization. Contact us and we can provide the information for any questions you may have.

As part of the work study program at York University, we may also recieve funding for 1-2 paid positions, the managers use this to hire office personal. Contact Dave or Phil at CKRG for more information.

High school students looking for a co-op position can recieve first hand experience in all aspects of radio. We welcome the interest as we have provided the experience to two students over the past year, once again Dave or Phil are the people to contact!

The on-air personalities all have various musical tastes and interviews as well as live performances are welcome as space is available in the campus pub (Cafe de la Terrasse) for weekday afternoon interviews.

If this interests your band contact , or call the station office at 416.487.6739, our snail mail address is CKRG, Radio Glendon, 2275 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4N 3M6

Radio add time is available for a low cost and it also is a tax-deductable donation as we are a non-profit organization!

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