My Arnold page

I decided to dedicate this page to the greatest bodybuilders/movie star/entrepreneur that ever lived -- Arnold Schwarzenegger. The man went from the obscure Austrian town athlete to the internationally known and admired superstar like no one has ever seen before. He is the legend in his own right in bodybuilding world and in the movie industry.

He is my ICON and ultimate inspiration in achieving life's success. Every day I wake up and look at his huge poster on my door and say to myself that I too can go through all the life's hurdles, ups and downs and adversaries and achieve my own success!

And here is something interesting for you fans to explore:

Go to to test your Arnold IQ and much more..

At you'll find legendary measurements of Olympian Oak at his prime and much more...

The greatest tribute pages you could possibly find :


Don't you wish you could look like this, I know I do...


Accidentally,(or maybe not) Arnold's birthday happens to be almost on the same day as mine( his July 30 , mine 31). And this year he celebrated his 50th birthday and I - 20th ! I can only say that destiny is in my favor.