Classes' Home PagesSPCC Alumni 1980Here is a few of our SPCC classmates who
SPCC Class of 1988 Home Page This page is moved to a public free homepage loader. Anyway, the page is updated and links are checked. There is a link to the Chatroom and a 1998 Alumni email list.
HKSPCC90 Alumni Mailing List, SPCC 1990 Photo Gallery and more, courtesy by Bernard Tsang. The most frequently updated site among all. SPCC 1993 Alumni Mailing list It is a e-mail address listing list (not a mailing list) while there are also homepages URL of us, the 93ers. If you are one of the SPCC93 and you have an email address or you own a Homepage, please send a mails to Benny. Million thanks to Benny who made and keeps this list. St. Paul's Co-educational College Class of 94 Home Page This page is very well designed. I like this one very much. However it seems that not much updating since it was created... If anything important comes up, you may find it in their notice board. St. Paul's Co-ed. 1995 Alumni Home Page In both Chinese and English, this site has sections with the current school year's (97-98) School Calender, a list of 95 Alumni Email Addresses and Homepage URLs and 95 alumni photo gallery. A very well organized page maintain by Merlint Tong. St. Paul's Co-ed. Class of '96 Home Page Including an email list and a guest book. News sections shall be coming up. Maintained by Holman Sze. Last modified by Aug 29, 1998.