This might be one of the last postings I make on this URL. Everything has been transfered to the new website, www.sirthomasroderick.com. The site is nearly complete, somewhere in the 90% range. I think the only things not complete are the databases and Nicole's Room. I'll keep this site for a while though, just as a placeholder for people to find me.
December 27th, 2005
The new website that I have spoke of for some time is now a reality. The process of moving to an entirely new website, and new design has been an arduous task. I would say at this time, about one-third of the website is functional. This means at the same time, that I will no longer be updating the website at which you are currently viewing. All of the information contained here will be moved to the new site. I hope to have all of the categories ('rooms' in the new site) graphically finished by the end of the year, and begin adding content to the rooms after the New Year. So for new information, please click on the above link. I think the name is easier for people to remember as well. WARNING: the site is graphic intensive, meaning that you should view this with a high speed internet connection. Dial-up will work, but it's not advised. Your monitor should also be set to at least 1024x768 resolution for best viewing. The site also appears better using Mozilla Firefox web browser (Internet Explorer IE works well, but some graphics are not positioned properly. Thanks for waiting, and keep checking back for updates.
Bootsy Casper Playboy Sweetness Roderick
September 1999 - November 25, 2005
I woke up this morning and found a friend had passed on. I'd known for some time that this day would come, and I only hoped that she would go quietly in her sleep, which she did. Bunny was more than a pet, but rather a member of our family, and more to me than just a friend. I will miss you.
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