Oat - 01/17/00 14:59:42
My Email:ck17@uow.edu.au
which section here you like most?: download songs
What else do you want here?: more detail on projects
Your Favorite Book: Wasit Dejkulchon novels
Interesting Website(please advise me): my website... will have soon
you are probably very good in C++ programming. I also do electrical engineering so I am interested in your project. If you have time (which I think you don't) please put some more info on your project or try contact me at my email.

P' Peng - 11/20/99 17:17:55
My URL:http://www.nectec.or.th/~peng
My Email:peng@nectec.or.th
Your Favorite Book: Chang Tuan Jing
Interesting Website(please advise me): www.nectec.or.th
Hi..Glory.. Just have a chance to explore your personal webpage. Please closely take care and frequently update your page :-) hehe ... ps. This web site is really slow to browse from thailand.

Super Nova - 04/13/99 19:00:32
My URL:http://www.freez.com/novatech
My Email:novatech@deskmail.com

heheh nice page but mine better hehhe

Thawatchai Ketsri - 03/07/99 16:13:42
My URL:/WallStreet/9840
My Email:ezpada@bigfoot.com
which section here you like most?: MIDI Songs
Interesting Website(please advise me): http://www.lonelyplanet.com
Fantastic HP !! I hope you will update in the part which still underconstruction .... Well, where's your picture ? I and many visitors would like to see it na~ .. :) I will come back again !!!

mott - 12/31/98 23:44:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Shrine/3911/index.html
My Email:mott79@hotmail.com
I think your homepage is nice. You are smart and hopefully you will reach to your dream.

10/13/98 08:50:31
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

narut titayangkurn - 08/31/98 14:40:07
My Email:narut@ksc.th.com
which section here you like most?: No.
What else do you want here?: X-files picture
Your Favorite Book: The brief history of time.
Interesting Website(please advise me): www.thex-files.com
i want the signature of Prof. Stephen hawking as a gift.. if u go to cambridge....

Phan - 07/19/98 06:53:42
My URL:http://i.am/phan
My Email:jaruphanm@thaimail.com
which section here you like most?: All
Hi Glory...Today I come in your homepage again and I didn't use to sign in your guestbook. For my homepage, I update many time, Please open it na if you have free time ^_^.

Laddawan Saekhow - 06/26/98 15:40:27
My Email:b0490521@student.chula.ac.th
which section here you like most?: Gallery
What else do you want here?: just thinking
Your Favorite Book: every books espectially tale story
Interesting Website(please advise me): www.hunsa.com
I like your homepage .. it's a good one . the musics are great ..

Nuntanij - 06/07/98 05:15:04
My Email:nuntanij134@mailcity.com
which section here you like most?: Links
What else do you want here?: Mp3
Interesting Website(please advise me): come.to/parn<-----hehe
hi there, It's cool!!!!!! but Actually,I prefer your sister's hp na. I'm a friend of parn.Fill the most prettiest pics of u and your sister.I think it would be more attractive. be here soon Nun

Yu - 06/07/98 02:21:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/2533/index.html
My Email:sxs89@po.cwru.edu
which section here you like most?: friends-
Hello P'Korakot: Iam not usre that I type your name correctly. OB! How can I go to your page. From P'Manrath ja(Osaka). Actually, I know only P'Boo(MIT) but just have a chance to talk with P'Manrath a few days ago(by e-mail ka). I like your homepage though. I have one question ka. Will you come to USA? Or you don't know yet either. ANyway, I wish you the best ka. cheers, Nong yu ja. OH! you can also visit my homepage though!

ตั๋น - 05/28/98 15:44:41
My Email:b38ktl@nontri.ku.ac.th
which section here you like most?: The information about MBA,TOEFL,GMAT,etc. ,so I bookmarks your homepage already...thank you.... :)
What else do you want here?: no
Your Favorite Book: Every entertain books & Every books which I like
Interesting Website(please advise me): Do you know Persian's kitty Adult links.. I like it esp men or gay :) haha
It's good for me ... Thanks a lot !

norny - 05/20/98 08:07:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/9293
My Email:norny@geocities.com
which section here you like most?: the midi
What else do you want here?: can't think of anything
Your Favorite Book: A Wrinkle in Time
Interesting Website(please advise me): mine!
Just passin' through.

Manrath Mitpranee - 05/18/98 12:14:15
My URL:http://www-nisi.ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/~manrath
My Email:mitprane@ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
which section here you like most?: Friends
What else do you want here?: none
Your Favorite Book: เอนเตอเทน
สวย..It's better if you have more pics in your page.

Jirachai Parn know me - 05/12/98 00:47:48
My URL:http://-
My Email:b38jcl
which section here you like most?: all
What else do you want here?: I think you made it best!
Your Favorite Book: about computer
ทำดีจังครับ ชอบอะง่ายๆแต่ดูสบายตาดี แล้วทำให้เสร็จเร็วๆนะครับ

Songpon Deechongkit - 05/05/98 03:51:46
My Email:songole@mit.edu
which section here you like most?: all
What else do you want here?: picture
Your Favorite Book: The Logic of Chemical Synthesis
Good work

Mr.Sutheera - 05/04/98 10:04:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/9878/
My Email:suth@usa.net
ไทยช่วยไทย กินของไทย ใช้ของไทย เที่ยวเมืองไทย ร่วมใจประหยัด
ได้ยินอาจารย์สกนธ์ และณัฐพลพูดถึง ก็เลยลองหาใน web ดู ศิษย์เก่า MATH กลับไปเยี่ยมอาจารย์สกนธ์บ้านหรือยัง จาก พี่อาร์ม...

Korakot Chaovavnich - 04/05/98 04:31:05
My URL:http://come.to/glory
My Email:korakot@iname.com
which section here you like most?: All of them(I made it)
What else do you want here?: More interesting sections
Your Favorite Book: The little prince
Interesting Website(please advise me): http://come.to
I am very sorry for those who have written here before. I don't know why ,but my guest book was made into junk. So, I have to reinitialize it.

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