Welcome to my homepage

Thanks for passing by, I have made this page so that I will have an additional way to communicate with everyone I know. But if you havn't known me yet. This may be the right time!

Another reason why I make this page is that I can use it as my start page, with links to some interesting sites, including pagers, that I use frequently.
I'm interested in so many things. Please see if we match then we can have a good chat

I am very lucky to know so many people, some of which are so genius and some are very kind and generous, some are just ordinary but I believe they are all good enough to have some pages devoted to.

I am studying in Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND. I'm now in my last (4th) year and the subjects are not as difficult as before. So I can spend more time doing my senior project about Thai Speech Analysis and Recognition. I also plan to study abroad.

If you wonder how do I build this web site, see these resource links for creating web pages. But if you would only like to listen to more musics or see more images, here is my gallery.

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Last Updated November 18, 1997 by Korakot Chaovavanich - korakot@iname.com