Friends' Webpages
- Gurps Web Ring is a gathering of good GURPS sites, arranged in an easy-to-use fasion.
- Makecharis a great little tool that some of us GURPS Geeks use to make our characters.
Film & Television
Ain't it Cool News is a geek's dream come true. All the film news from
the fringes of genre pictures you could ever ask for. And Harry has a certain Wookiee charm...
Men in Black: the Magazine You saw the
movie. Now go to the website. Lots more stuff than
just movie crap.
MUFONA bunch of quacks who think UFOs are
actually alien spacecraft. Poor, deluded people...
- CSICOP The real deal on parnormality. Skeptics who reject everything
without scientific proof. My kind of guys.
- James Randi Homepage Speaking of skeptics, this man is the king of
rational thinking. Showed Uri Geller a thing or two.
- A Small Carl Sagan Site with links to others. A big hero of mine.
Back to the shack, jack.