Yes, I know it's
sparse, but I just started this HTML stuff. Pretty much only the infrastructure
is up right now, but there's stuff in there. E-Mail me if you actually
come to this site. I don't think anyone knows I exist.
Be sure to check out my buddy and former roommate's page:
the Gremlin
Tell him Jeb sent you!
I am a 3rd year student at West Virginia University.
Yes, I do own shoes, and no, I am not dating my sister (cousin,
West Virginia is a beautiful place. But please don't
Yes, I am a geek.
My opinions are heady and arrogant.Affix
your tin-foil cap (fnord)
and proceed
My Hobbies are vast and overwhelming.
If you are willing to risk your fragile sanity, proceed.
My life is boring and meaningless.
I spend most of my time either in front of my TV
or in front of my monitor. If you want to go where
I like to go, then proceed.
You are Visitor Number
This page produced by Jim Foreman (jforeman@wvu.edu)