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1997-98 Reddie Cheerleaders

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What Is A Reddie?

Several stories persist as to how the name "Reddie" originated. It derived from the "red" of the red and gray school colors, which are symbolic. Intercollegiate football at Henderson began in 1905, and from that date until the 1908 season the varsity 11 was simply know as the "Henderson football team." In 1908 a contest was held among the student body to give the team a name. The Oct. 6,1908 edition of the Henderson newspaper, the Oracle, contains a story stating that Nellie Hartsgeld had the honor of naming the football team the "Red Jackets," indicative of the color of thier jerseys. During those days, however, some scribes began referring to them only as "Redmen" and "Reds." The name Reddie first appeared in the 1913 Star Yearbook in a feature story concerning the 1912 Red Jacket season. Again in the 1914 Star, the term Reddies was used interchangeably with Red Jackets and in the 1915 Star, the caption under the team composite picture read "The Reddie Football Team." From then to the present time the name Reddies has replaced the official name Red Jackets. A plausible explanation for the evolution from Red Jackets and Reds to Reddies is that Reddies fit into pep songs and yells better than the shorter and more blunt Reds. In the past, well-meaning sportswriters and others have called the teams the "Redskins," "Indians" and "Big Red." But the name Reddies, from Red Jackets, has prevailed, not only for athletes but for the entire student body. Therefore, the university remains without a traditional mascot. The Henderson colors are symbolic. The Red represents loyalty and courage while the Gray is a memorial to the Confederate State of America. No color could better represent Henderson than red, for its historic association with honor, courage and loyalty best portrays Henderson and the emotions that her alumni, students and friends hold for her. Hendersonians proudly wear the Red and are fittingly known as Reddies.

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