Hello everybody out there in computer land!!! Today must be your lucky day because you just stumbled onto
the greatest web page I've ever created. Make sure you bookmark this page and tell all your friends to visit
this site. Don't be stingy, share my homepage experience.
First of all, I should say that I am from the absolutely scenic town of Sound Beach, New York. This place is located in eastern Long Island, near the Long Island Sound. Right now though, I'm studying like crazy at Boston University. This is my third year now and after changing my mind about 5 times, I've decided to go with a biochemistry major.
Now the whole purpose of writing this web page, besides wasting time at 2:30 in the morning is this:
Anyway, the game has some really great sound effects and we hope you have fun playing it. Hopefully soon we will come out with a one player version, so you should come back and see if it's posted yet.
For a short time, this great game will available for downloading at NO CHARGE!!!
To download the game, simply click on the picture of the slug.
It's best to download into its own directory, then just unzip it and type "slugwars" to play!
Here is my email address if you have any comments: hellrc@bu.edu
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