This Is my Personal Page.

This, I'm afraid, is me This, I'm proud to say,
is my girlfriend

And this is my cat
(Picture of cat)

My "history"

1999Starting a "Master of IT" education.
1999Working as a Chiropractor in Fredericia.
1999Graduated as Cand. Manu. at Odense Univerctiy
1997Started a one-man firm "IT-Service"
1994Started the study to Chiropractor in Denmark
1994Appointed "First Leiutenant"
1993Educated a class of private soldiers
1993Appointed "Second Leiutenant"
1992Appointed Sergent
1991Dismissed from the Military Aviation School
1990Starting the education to pilot
1989Taking a basic course in the education to auto mechanic
1989½ year in Seattle, USA
1988Graduating from "High School" (Gymnasium)
1986Starting "High School" (Gymnasium)
1986Graduating from the elementary school
1977Starting elementary school

