Secretos para triunfar en la vida
(Secrets to be better in your life). |
Diez consejos de Tomas Jefferson.
(Ten advices of Thomas Jefferson).
1. No dejes para manana lo que puedas hacer hoy
1. Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.
2. No gastes dinero antes de haberlo ganado2. Do not spend money before you earn it.
3. No compres nada inutil con el pretexto que es barato.3. Do not buy something useless with the pretext that it is cheap.
4. No sientas nunca haber comido poco. Mas vale levantarse de la mesa con apetito que harto de comer.4. Never feel that you ate too little. It is better to leave the table whith appetite than satiated.
5. El trabajo hecho a gusto no cansa jamas.5. Work done with pleasure is never tiring.
6. No pidas ayuda para lo que puedas hacer solo.6.Do not ask for help if you can do something by yourself.
7. La vanidad y el orgullo salen siempre mas caros que el hambre y la sed.7. Vanity and pride are always more expensive than hunger and thirst.
8. Las cosas hay que empezarlas siempre por el principio.8. Things must be started at the beggining.
9. Evita las preocupaciones y penas que solo estan en tu imaginacion y que no han acontecido todavia.9. Avoid the worries and troubles that exist only in your imagination and have not occured yet.
10. Cuenta hasta diez antes de hablar cuando estas enojado y disgustado, y hasta cien cuando estas encolerizado .10.Count up to ten before speaking if you are irritated and annoyed, and up to a hundred if you are angry.
La vida es una oportunidad, aprovechala.
Life is an opportunity, take advantage of it.
La vida es belleza, admirala.
Life is beauty, admire it.
La vida es beatitud, saboreala.
Life is beatitud, savor it.
La vida es sueño, hazlo realidad.
Life is a dream, make it a reality.
La vida es un reto, afrontalo.
Life is a challange, confront it.
La vida es un deber, cumplelo.
Life is a duty, carry it out.
La vida es un juego, juegalo.
Life is a game, play it.
La vida es preciosa, cuidala.
Life is precious, take care of it.
La vida es riqueza, conservala.
Life is wealth, conserve it.
La vida es amor, gozala.
Life is love, enjoy it.
La vida es un misterio, develalo.
Life is a mistery, reveal it.
La vida es promesa, cumplela.
Life is a promise, keep it.
La vida es tristeza, superala.
Life is sadness, conquer it.
La vida es un himno, cantalo.
Life is a hymn, sing it.
La vida es un combate, aceptalo.
Life is a combat, accept it.
La vida es una tragedia, dominala.
Life is a tragedy, overcome it.
La vida es aventura, arrostrala.
Life is an adventure, face up to it.
La vida es felicidad, merecela.
Life is happiness, deserve it.
La vida es la VIDA, defiendela.
Life is LIFE, defend it.
Madre Teresa de Calcuta.
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