August 20,1998
Day five of the Korean Heritage college. Here's how the week went.
Day 1.
Um...I don't know ANYBODY here...I have a bad feeling about this. Hey, that's Len! But, he's not coming this year. I meet Joe, Brian, Sora and Anne today. Oh yeah, I also meet Harry. He's the Queens law student. Joe's a film major at Queens, Sora works
at Royal Bank VISA and Anne is a linguistics major at SFU. I meet Will and Warren. Warren is some super-genius at West Van Sec. He received 1500 on his SAT's. Opening ceremonies today is all. I met Esther and her brother Albert. Both from Queens. I played pool with her, Will and we all SUCK!!!
Day 2.
This all is just what I remember. Monday. Oh yeah, I wasted $10 on video games today. I played House of the Dead with Joe. Almost finished it too. We went to Granville Island today.
Unfortunately no Kyacking. I met Dan and Suj today. I also met
Ed Nam and Alex. I think this is the day we went to the beach. Cindy and I thought we heard a baby or someone drowning. It was way too freaky.
Day 3.
Tuesday. I crashed in the common room of 2A. Chad, Harry, Joe and others were kind enough to let me use their couch. It was so friggen cold!!! Dan, Will, Ed, Brian, Alex and Albert "Smoked up". It was too funny watching them. I missed the first lecture and met Rosa, Leslee and Judy. So we went to Richmond and went Bowling. Man, I suck!! I bowled 64. We went out for dinner at Yaohan centre. Later on, I played pool again with Chris. I think I'm getting better.
Day 4.
Wednesday. HIKING!! This was yesterday. We took a 1.5 hour bus ride in the morning to Squamish and hiked the Chief. About 80% of the group went back after the half way mark. Cindy, William, Will, Johnson, Ed Namzahoy, Andy, Sujan and I went all the way up. On the way down cinday and I got lost but found our way back. We then went to Whistler and had dinner. Cindy, Merian, Angela, Sonja, Andy, Will, Chad and I went to the old spagetti factory. oh baby, I had an awesome minstrone soup entree with fetticine with seafood. I fell in the creek on the way down with Cindy. I was getting some water off the rocks when I slipped and fell in. It was so NICE!! I bused it home later that day but had a chance to talk with Cindy and Danielle on the bus.
Day 5.
Thursday. I missed the first presentation which I wanted to see but Mrs. Yona's vision on education was impressive. These last couple of days have just blown by! We saw a presentation on traditional Korean music and, um, educational is as nice a word as I can put it. later, after much discussion, we went to Jerico beach for some volleyball and a BBQ. It was GREAT!! The sand was warm beneath our toes and in our mouths as we dived for the ball. Pah! the smell of the meat was tantalizing and the sunset was gorgeous. A perfect end to an amazing week. I know I'm going next year when it's held in Toronto.
August 11,1998's my schedule for the next couple of days.
So, today's tuesday right? So I'll study. Wednesday? Thursday....Well, maybe I' Friday morning at 8:30am is my Pol Sci exam. What a way to start the day huh?
After the exam I'm going to get my hair cut and then go to work then hang out with a buddy of mine. sunday's the Korean Heritage College registration. Looking forward to it actually.
Hm...I'm getting pretty good at updating this thing.
August 10,1998
*whew* Dang, I'm glad THAT was over. My Crim 230 exam went very well considering I bombed the midterm. Much thanks to Amy G. for lending me her notes from last semester. You don't know how much they helped me!! Wow. just regurgetated a whole semester's worth of junk in three hours. My head fills light. No matter, I'll load it with some more material today. My poli sci final's on Friday. So here goes again....T minus four days. I'm not too stressed about this one though.
Today some jehovah witnesses came a-knocking at my door. I must've looked like a freak of nature. My hair was literally standing on end( I took a shower the night before), I was half a sleep with boogers in my eyes, and was *trying* to speak Korean.
Oh yeah, and I was in my nan-neng-goo and little else. Of course they were in their fancy suits and stuff. gotta admit though, I am impressed with their zeal.
August 9,1998
Hm. T minus 18 hours until my Crim 230 exam. I don't know why I'm freaking out so much. I mean it's an open book exam and all.
So it's going to be easy right? ho ho ho aren't we sure of ourselves? Oh yeah, yesterday at work a bat came flying into
the restaurant and chased the manager around! And this guy gave me a $20 tip. Um hm. Life is good.
Not too much to say but mindless babble. Only got around three hours of sleep last night. I think it was because I was so tired. Does that make sense? I was so tired that I couldn't sleep. I must be delirious or perhaps everyone else is crazy and I'm the only normal one. Yeah, and 5'6" is tall and everyone else taller are a bunch of freaks. FREAKS!! I'm hungry, tired, and I WANT TO GO HOME!!! g'night.
August 7,1998
-Ever go out and buy things you don't need? Like a couple of weeks ago I went out and bought a Clearnet phone. Now, I don't really NEED a phone. Even though it IS a pretty good deal.
$30/month gets you 100 mins a month anytime anywhere in Canada and unlimited weekends. Plus, you get extras such as voicemail, caller ID and call waiting at NO EXTRA CHARGE! Plus you get perks such as free movies from Blockbuster with every statement! Do I sound like a commercial to anyone else? Heck. I don't really NEED anything...except of course the basic essentials like food, water, floss. The stuff you can't live without. You know what?
I think those commercials were effective. After all, I bought the thing didn't I? Here's my logic from watching the commercials. If I was a beaver and I forgot what I came out for(they forget a lot those beavers) then wouldn't I want a Clearnet digital PCS phone to call home? Oh well. Live and learn thats what I say. I also say that I watch too much TV. T minus three days left until Doomsday.
August 3, 1998
-Just seven days left until my finals. I guess I'd be better prepared if I started STUDYING instead of counting how many days left hm? I signed up for the Korean Heritage College thing the other day. I guess it's about time I learned more about my culture. I had this really cool conversation with my folks today about family history. My ancestors are from this small village in North Korea or something. Dad says that only 1% of the Kim's are from our line...but he makes stuff up a lot. Turns out that if he finds out the middle name of another Kim, then he'll know whether we're related or not. Just saw Saving Private Ryan the other day. Seriously, it was one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time. Steven Spielberg is a genius. das all I have to say.