Hey Everyone! This is about my trip with my Grade 12 geography
There were about thirty of us who went and about 18 or something
that made it up!
Here's a pic of the group! Yeah BABY!!

I'm the third person from your left on the bottom with the blue
Canada shirt!
An annual event for the geography 12 classes at Burnaby North
turned out to be one of the most memorable events of my
senior year.
Carrying enough food and clothing for three days and two nights,
we were all looking forward to this break from classes.
Unfortunately, this "break" cost most of us our sleep as
we had to rise up at 4:30am to meet at our school(Burnaby North)
at five. Lugging packs of around 40 to 50 lbs, we all laughed
at the "suckers" who had to go to school that day. Were we in for
a surprise...
The excitement was null as the people boarded the bus and prepared
for a three hour bus ride to our destination.
Many slept, while others showed off their knives, while others
forgot to go....*no names mentioned to protect the people from any
future embarassment*
When we arrived at our location, we filled our water bottles and
many of us, inexperienced mind you, decided to proceed quickly!
Thus, those people took many MANY breaks on the upward journey.
First stop. The Barrier. A beautiful cliffside view of the
shale or whatever the term was from Geography. Sorry Mr. Macutchen(?).
We stopped for lunch, remembering not to feed the wild animals...(yeah right.)
After a gourmet dinner of a peanut butter sandwich...(hey, I made it myself ok?)
we headed off for the campsite....Garibaldi lake.
When we arrived, something was drastically wrong! There was no
electricity, running water(or pure water!) or flush toilets!!
It never mentioned this on the brochure!!
I guess we were just going to have to "rough it"...EH?
Being the "roughest" of our group, myself and two other cavemen
decided to take over the cook house with the only propane stove
Haha to all you who had to cook over a campstove!!
For the first night we celebrated by having a hearty supper
of steak and rice.
Let's just say that our rice melted and we ended up cooking by
flashlight in a room environment equivalent to a steam room!
But it was good....really!
After going to some presentation about Joe the mushroom(?)
we went to a small peninsula(Yes, I did learn something!)
watching shooting stars and just enjoying the company of
friends(gary1 and gary2).
The next morning we ate a hot meal of porridge and hot chocolate.
Unfortunately, because of the lack of hot water to wash dishes,
we had to improvise. Thus we ate the two in conjunction...slurp!
Less dishes that way you know!
On our way! One two, one two, off we went to reach our inevitable
destination...death. Actually, we were headed for the "Chimney".

When we landed at the foot of the rock, we began our upward ascent
Cries of "Rock!" could be heard below, while Janet and Slaven were
trying to whistle out the tune of "Star Wars" to very little success.
(hey, I'm writing the story, so I'm going to write it MY way!)
When we reached the top, it was all worth it! Absolutely amazing!
We were so high up that we actually saw a plane fly below us!
If we wanted to, we could've spat on the darn thing!
Here's what we saw...

More to come later....