Like I said in the intro, I'm attending SFU right now! I plan to
become a Youth Probation Officer when I graduate or God
willing, I'll go into full time ministry. Great Commission baby!(Matt 28:19,20)
Right now, I'm volunteering here
Ack. What's spare time? I should be doing SOMETHING now, 'cause
I always have something to do. So yeah, I'm procrastinating. Oh well.(laid back British Columbian mentality)
Hmmm....about me? born Oct.23 1978 in Edmonton Alberta(NOT a
redneck)...Moved 2 Calgary & lived there for 10
years. (Lived right across Southland leisure centre...this huge wave pool across my jr. high) In grade eight moved
here in Burnaby. Went to Burnaby North(VIKINGS!!
) Now, I'm at SFU.
Hm...High school was pretty normal for me. I was pretty quiet in
my first three and a half years at NORTH. In my senior years, I
got majorly involved in Life Unlimited(a christian club), Multicultural club, Spirit Committee, Night Of Nations(I was
floor manager), Martial arts club, Track and Field(100m BABY!,4X100!!)...etc.
University was a HUGE transition. I was like this really tiny
fish in a huge ocean. It was like grade eight all over again.
But somehow(God's grace), I pulled through and made it to my third year.
Looks like I'm the prayer coordinator in the fall semester
Campus Crusade 4 Christ
I'm also involved with the Korean Campus Mission(another Christian club). Hey, praise and worship TWICE a week? Bring it ON baby!!
First year wuz tough. didn't know what to do so I decided to
feel my way around and see what I wuz good at.
smart choice
Took me two years but I'm finally where God wants me(I think)
I DO know however, that even though I'm not a great orator, nor
am I an intellectual genius
God is willing to use me and THAT'S A PRIVILEDGE!!
oh yeah, I'm Korean too.
Funny thing being a second generation Canadian.
I consider myself TOTALLY CANADIAN, but still have
some of my roots
So I dunno.
I was this really ripe Bananna before but now I'm learning more
and wanting to too! did that make sense?
Of course I can't end this without putting some of my favorite verses here right?
"Do not be anxious about ANYTHING, but in EVERYTHING in prayer and petition and with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which is beyond understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6,7
"Pray without ceasing"
1 Thessalonians 5:17