~5th September 2007~
Oh man its been a while....I haven't really updated this site much but maybe I should...I put in so much time and effort on it - it would be a shame to just let it slip into oblivian.....
Well so many many things have happened....for one I am living back on the Goldie...not sure about it though..its so 'look at me'....
I guess if you wanna keep in touch with my antics check out my MySpace site:
~22nd March 2006~
There's only so long a love can last I guess when you have lost yourself. I guess this one wasn't the right use crying over spilt milk (no matter how much it still hurts at the moment)..all good things come to those who wait. And who said I need a man anyway....he he he...
~The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past - You can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches~
~21st February 2006~
What do they say about getting over heartache is to find another heart...well I did...and in the strangest circumstances. I fell in love quick and hard. The love is great yet somehow in all this adoration I feel like I may be loosing MYSELF. Retaining the spiritual being within is key...don't ever loose it.
~Being defeated is often a temporary condition...Giving up is what makes it permanent - NEVER GIVE UP!~
~21st September 2005~
I'm still here....lots has occured....heartache & loss and love & laughter and some more heartbreak....I lost mein Party Boy, my beautiful darling 13 year old Labrador...I miss him so very much..even a year later it seems like he was still here yesterday...(We'll meet again)!
I also fell in love (unintentionally of course) and I had laughter in my life....but as all good things go they come to an end....whether or not he was in my life for a Reason or a Season I don't know....I've learnt a lot (maybe things I didn't want to know)...because now that I know them....I want more!!!
~There is more to me than ever will be seen in a mirror~
~17th March 2004~
Well its finally happened...I've run out of storage I've created a mirror site (also with Geocities) who will now play host to more of my adventures. Keep tuning in as more and more things start to happen.
~22nd January 2004~
Happy New Year everyone...been adding lots of pics lately. My best photos stem from a little Clubbing session I had on the Gold Coast recently where I got to meet one of my favourite German DJ's - Kai Tracid. I was in heaven and in was one of the most wicked nights ever. I guess you would call it a once in a lifetime experience....and I thank god I had the opportunity to meet him. Anyway this year promises to be an exciting one...I'll be adding new pages and updating old until you all...stay happy and keep smiling....Kus!
~24th July 2003~
Well I've finally added a photo Gallery, for all those that have been pestering me for more pics. There will be more added as they come along, so be on the lookout for the latest and greatest. Have moved around a couple more things to make it more user friendly for people...
~20th May 2003~
Have been so buisy with work that I really haven't found the time to get creative. Plus my social calender has been very full of late (social butterfly that I am..ha ha...j/k).....Anyway I really hope to get back to it very soon...
~9th April 2003~
I have come up with so many new ideas...they're just bursting to come out. I've added a few new pages and will be doing some secret pages as well...keep ya updated...
~13th March 2003~
Time to update my site...over the next few months I'll be adding a few more things and re-arranging stay tuned.
~13th November 2002~
Thank you to all those that have left me lovely messages so far....
....and thank you to those that need not have bothered!!!
PS. I am not sad, morbid, dark or depressed....but rather happy, healthy, crazy, funny with a wicked sense of humour...perhaps people need to just take the time, to browse through these pages properly - to understand and 'get' the real me...*l*
~11th November 2002~
I am so stoked to be able to show you my finished site, as I worked really hard on it and its all about ME!
CoSmIc'S WoRlD
My Reality
CoSmIc'S ThOuGhTs