The picture you clicked on is of me, Raya. This is my personal info page.
I also have LOTS of cousins whom I love very much!
Here are two of them:
Chantel and Danielle.
They are sisters, the daughters of my Auntie Louise and Uncle Glenn and all four of them became members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on May 1, 1999. Chantel and Danielle are both very talented musicians and dancers.
I am also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was baptised August 30, 1997. I also served a mission, in the France Bordeaux and Toulouse Missions, February 2000 - August 2001. What an amazing experience. Check out the websites of the Church at or and look at all the missions around the world (including mine) at
Currently, I am student at BYU studying Elementary Music Education.
I LOVE country music and I love to sing. In the summer of 1999, I made a demo CD; the songs being "How Do You Talk to an Angel," "My Hero," "How Many Times" and "Angels Among Us."
I also made a 12-song CD of the same style of music (these four songs are included on it). If you would like a copy of that CD, please contact me at
Love and sunshine,
Check out the sunshine page!