Welcome to Bangkok Technical campus Home pages
B T C ...Welcome to Rajamangala Institute of Technology Bangkok Technical Campus

Welcome to Rajamangala Institute of Technology Bangkok Technical Campus, an institution under the Ministry of Education, was founded on July 14, 1952. Located on 59 acres of state property land, The institute in the oldest and the only one vocational institution that offers a wide varieties of courses in various technical fields.

Education system BTC offers the following courses...

A certificate level course in 4 divisions
A diploma level course in 30 divisions
A degree level course in 13 divisions

Since its establishment in 1952, The institute has produced more than 70,000 graduates working in both govement and private sectors...

What's NEW

45th Anniversary BTC
Bacherlor of Money and Banking
Bacherlor of Hotel Mangement

Information Bangkok Technical Campus

History Bangkok Technical Campus
History Farther ( Pravisanu )
History Luang Poo Kaew
Education system
Education Philosophy

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