Right, I am Bent Grubb Laursen. I am a danish medical student at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Fyn.
Besides medicin I am interested in computers and hold an employment at the faculty computer-lab facility : The MultiMedieSal.
Further I am involved in the International Medical Cooperation Committee IMCC, My page on IMCC where I am currently chairman of the local branch IMCC - Odense.
I am furthermore participating in the meetings of International Federation of Medical Students' Associations IFMSA, My page on IFMSA. Within the IFMSA I am involved in the Developmental Initiative of National Member Organisations (DINAMO) and New Technologies Support Division (NTSD).
I furthermore have a scientific interest in the role of Calcium in the synapse of neurons and the influence of this in learning and exocytose of neurotransmitters into the synaptic space. I intend to dedicate a part of my homepage to each of these subjects, but the developement of the individual areas might be very different and have different priority, so please be patient.
For a short story about the fantastic Prince of Egypt, click the Icon !!
If you want to make a comment upon the subject or the homepage in general, please e-mail me, it is easy and I should be most delighted to hear/read any comment you might have !!
This is mostly in order to maintain a minimum or order in my own bookmarks, but if you find a link of interest, please feel free to use it. Also try New links