
                 Well, I can't condone what Hitler did but in a way I do admire him a lot, can identify myself with him, like me he hated drinking and smoking, loved animals and was always faithful to his beloved Eva Brauns,the urge to conquer is overwhelming and I justify him by saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, this site gives in-depth coverage....all factual information displayed in an objective manner without any bias whatsoever. Posters of Hitler,WWII Manuscripts etc. available here.

WWF.org :       
                No not the world wrestling federation u idiots....this is the official site of the World Wildlife Fund. Update your knowledge with regard to the flora and fauna....subscribe to their newsletters and hey try to do something for the animals.....all animals except cats that is...I hate cats.

                            If you are looking for a comprehensive coverage of soccer news then this is the site for you my friends.....I love soccer....Liverpool is my fav. club.....this site has all that u want...statistics, rankings, posters, the works.....an enjoyable site if u are a soccer fanatic.

                       Well those of us for whom rubber is our livelihood (I don't mean 'rubber' in the twisted sense of the word...u narrow minded people...I mean the plant rubber)...then be sure to visit this site...U don't have to be a proper achayan to visit this site....even somebody like me who lives on a hand to mouth existence may also log on and have some fun.

Exp.com :
                Have a computer problem at hand? Don't know whom to ask?.....Don't panic...log onto exp.com and get professional advice from hundreds of experts in their respective fields....p.s..yours truly is also a listed expert at exp.com.....

                      Schumacher or Coulthard? Ferrari or Williams no matter to whom your allegiance lies. if you are a Formula1 freak then hey check this site out.....race updates....driver standings, constructors championship rankings, qualifying sessions. they have it all.....a thoroughly enjoyable site.

Indian school Bahrain 
                                  Such were the joys of childhood......brings back some nostalgic memories....The Indian School, Bahrain has its own site now (better late than never eh?).Don't forget to register yourself in the alumni column.

Four Wheel Drives :
                              Oh yeah.....this  one is much closer to the heart. if U too just abhor bikes and other small cars and  can't get enough of jeeps and other four wheel drive off roaders then boy oh boy here is your paradise.... pajeros, hummers, wranglers...they have em all .Stunning pictures of these beauties can be downloaded from the site.

              CRY acronym for Child Relief And You. A thought provoking topic this one....not something to joke about or take lightly....subscribe to their newsletters and do your level best...sponsor a child, doesn't cost much, its  peanuts for us....but for that child....it is his/her life.

Reuters.com :
                           An online information supermarket, to meet your daily information requirements from the stock markets to the weather in stockholm. A site that helps me keep updated with current affairs.

Fastmail.fm :
                           The ultimate email service, a must for any poweruser, Imap, Smtp, unlimted filters, virus protection and what not... a definite tool for any self respecting techno freak. I use and recommend this email service.

                 Click and find out !!!. You are a narrow minded person aren't you.....No this is not an x  rated site....I wouldn't put it here if it was one now would I? .....I'm a good boy remember !!

Tuesday, March 18, 2025


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