Bits about Horses
Bits of This and That about Horses
by Children's Book Author, Betsy B. Lee,
Member of the SCBWI

Only three pages of this site remain at
About Me and My Horses
Riding and Safety

The new URL
for Bits about Horses

Ten Thousand White Horses book

There is also an English - Spanish edition.

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Albert the Apple Eating Appaloosa book

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Visit the new site for
for Bits about Horses.
Pages at the new URL include the following.

My Books

Excerpts from Albert, the Apple-eating Appaloosa

Excerpts from 10,000 White Horses

About Me and My Writing

About Me and My Horses

Albert and His Friends

Free Stuff: Horse Sense and Puzzles


Non-fiction: Riding and Safety

Drawing and Coloring Books

Horse Stickers and Puzzles

Horse Games and Toys

Learning Abilities Books banner
Ask your parents to visit my
educational site,
Learning Abilities Books.

Our constitution and our nation have survived many threats. Let us unite with these lines from the fourth verse of America, the Beautiful written by Katharine Lee Bates.

"O beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years,
Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown Thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea." Amen.

America's good people include children and grown-ups from all races.

RSACI rated family friendly site safesurf rated all ages