Kappa A Province

1999-2000 Officers
President - Yolanda Aranda
V.P. Membership - Shirley Bowers
V.P. Ritual - Amy Martin
Recording Secretary - Megan Webster
Corresponding Secretary - Suzanne Reagor
Treasurer - Libby Querry
Sergeant-at-arms - April Chavez
Editor - Anna Rodriguez

Congratulations to Tara Fickenscher, our Fall 2000
graduate!  We are proud of you!


Alpha Class
Beta Class

 Chapter History

Please visit our national headquarters at www.sai-national.org
Visit other Sigma Alpha Iota chapter pages.
Also visit the Kappa A Province information.
If you are interested in the brotherhood of
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia at SWTSU click here.

Any questions? contact Elizabeth at lizastro@swt.edu