
To be healthy and active, we must have food in adequate quantity, quality and variety to meet our energy and nutrient requirements. Without adequate nutrition, children cannot develop their potential to the fullest, and adults will experience difficulty in maintaining or expanding theirs.
Not everyone has adequate access to the food they need, and this has led to large-scale hunger and malnutrition in the world. Nearly 800 million people today are chronically undernourished, unable to obtain sufficient food to meet even minimum energy needs. Approximately 200 million children under five years of age suffer from acute or chronic symptoms of malnutrition; during seasonal food shortages and in times of famine and social unrest, this number increases. According to some estimates, malnutrition is an important factor among the nearly 13 million children under five who die every year from preventable diseases and infections, such as measles, diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia, or from some combination of these.
will be observing World Food Day
with a number of activities during the month of October. The club
will be holding a pie-sale and membership drive on Thursday October
16th, 2003 in The Pit of the Faculty of Law.
Our annual Christmas food-drive is scheduled for November
23rd - 29th 2003 and students and staff are asked to contribute
non-perishable items, such as tinned or canned food, rice, flour,
pasta, powdered milk and sugar.
The battle over hunger is one that can
be won. The power to end extreme poverty is within your reach. We
look forward to your support throughout the year. Take action with