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At the dawn of a new century, a new millennium, one fact that glares at us is the need to protect and conserve our rapidly deteriorating environment.

The industrial revolution of the 20th century heralded many new inventions & giant leaps in every field of science and technology. But it also led to the mindless exploitation of the environment, natural resources and ecosystems,  bringing them on the brink of collapse.

I want to be a part of the force that is now protecting the earth's environment and making the earth a better place to live in. I dream of changing the earth from a tattered, overexploited planet to a healthy, green planet and of restoring its pristine glory, where man lived in harmony with nature rather than as a danger to it.

I have been awarded a B.Sc. in Environmental Science by Ramjas College, University of Delhi. Thus I know the multifaceted problems of the environment and its complex interactions with the economy.

To help me achieve my aim of making these two inextricably linked components work in harmony, I am currently pursuing an M.Sc. in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Auditing and Management Systems (EMS), from the University of East Anglia, Norwich(UK).

In understanding, analysing
and simulating the many aspects of the environment, computers can prove to be an invaluable tool.Therefore I have complemented my knowledge of the environment with that of Geographical Information Systems(GIS).

Armed with these skills,I am confident I can achieve my goal of changing the present attitude of people towards the environment and of making man the protector of the environment rather than a ruthless enemy from which the it has to be protected.

I believe it is upto the environmentally sensitive individuals of our generation to salvage whatever is now left of our once beautiful planet before it is too late. Therefore, I would like to use this oppurtunity to  appeal to you to step forth and help me if you can, in realising my dream.

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Ramjas College, University of Delhi,India
School Of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK
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