Happy Summer!

to all of our Lamar Survivors!
Lamar University Canterbury
Top 10 Reasons to be in Canterbury:
10. Laughing together between classes
9. Monday Night Fellowship in the back
8. A place to study during Finals
7. Watching Jeremy's hair get bigger
6. Always someone to talk to
5. Morning Prayer before exams
4. Free Spanish lessons at Bi-lingual Services
3. Serivce oppurtunities in
every way
2. Wednesday meals after Eucharist
1. God's love for you
Canterbury Anouncements
New-Student Orientations
New Students:
Call St. Matt's if you need dates and
times. It is a day well spent.
Returning Students:
Help is needed at Orientation and other events for students this summer.
Please tell Jeremy if you can help.
Spotlight Program for March:
Prayer Requests:
Tricia Anderud
Zoe Ann Hinds

Daily Oppurtunities
Special Events
2:30 Community of Hope service @ Calder Woods
4:30 Music Practice
June 3rd- 6:00pm Bilingual Holy communion
------------------------Fr. Heber Papini, Celebrant
----------------1st Sunday - Covered Dish Supper
June 10th - 6:00pm Evening Prayer
June 17th - 6:00pm Taize Service
June 24th - 6:00pm Evening Prayer
8:30 am - Morning Prayer
4:00 pm - After-School Youth Computer Program
8:30 am - Morning Prayer
4:00pm - Community of Hope
8:30 am - Morning
12:30 pm - Holy Eucharist, followed by lunch
4:00 pm - St. Matt's Episcopal Youth Community
8:30 am - Morning Prayer
6:00 pm - Worship Commitee
(2nd Thursday)
8:30 am - Morning Prayer
12:15 pm - Barnabas Group
4:00 pm After-School Youth Outreach Program