The 99 Names of Allah

These are the 99 names of Allah. You might argue with me and tell me that these are attributes of Allah
instead. You are right, but attributes can be names also, right?

Interesting fact : Do you realize that you'll be able to see the Arabic figures of 18 on your left palm and 81
on your right palm? Add these 2 numbers together and you'll get 99. A friend told me about this. I was
shocked to find out that he was right.

Name                    Meaning

Allah                       God
Al Rahman              The Compassionate
Al Rahim                 The Merciful
Al Malik                  The King
Al Quddus               The Holy
As Salam                 The Peace
Al Mu'min                The One with Faith
Al Muhaymin            The Protector
Al 'Aziz                     The Mighty
Al Jabbar                  The Repairer
Al Mutakabbir           The Imperious
Al Khaliq                   The Creator
Al Bari'                      The Maker
Al Musawwir             The Fashioner
Al Ghaffar                  The Forgiver
Al Qahhar                  The Dominant
Al Wahhab                 The Bestower
Al Razzaq                   The Provider
Al Fattah                    The Opener
Al 'Alim                      The Knower
Al Qaibid                   The Contractor
Al Basit                      The Expander
Al Khafid                   The Humbler
Al Rafi'                       The Exalter
Al Mu'izz                    The Honorer
Al Mudhill                  The Abaser
As Sami'                    The Hearer
Al Basir                     The Seer
Al Hakam                  The Judge
Al 'Adl                       The Just
Al Latif                      The Subtle
Al Khabir                  The Aware
Al Halim                    The Gentle
Al 'Azim                    The Mighty
Al Ghafur                  The Forgiving
Ash Shakur               The Grateful
Al 'Ali                       The Lofty
Al Kabir                   The Great
Al Hafiz                    The Guardian
Al Muqit                   The Nourisher
Al Hasib                   The Reconkoner
Al Jalil                       The Majestic
Al Karim                   The Generous
Ar Raqib                   The Watcher
Al Mujib                   The Responder
Al Wasi'                    The Englober
Al Hakim                   The Wise
Al Wadud                  The Loving
Al Majid                    The Glorious
Al Ba'ith                     The Resurrector
Ash Shahid                 The Witness
Al Haqq                     The Truth
Al Wakil                    The Trustee
Al Qawi                     The Strong
Al Matin                     The Firm
Al Wali                       The Friend
Al Hamid                    The Praiseworthy
Al Muhsi                     The Counter
Al Mubdi'                   The Originator
Al Mu'id                     The Restorer
Al Muhyi                    The Life-Giver
Al Mumit                    The Death-Giver
Al Hayy                      The Living
Al Qayyum                 The Self-Subsistent
Al Wajid                    The Finder
Al Majid                    The Noble
Al Ahad                     The One
As Samad                  The Eternal
Al Qadir                    The Able
Al Muqtadir               The Powerful
Al Muqaddim            The Expediter
Al Mu'akhkhir            The Deferrer
Al Awwal                  The First
Al Akhir                    The Last
Az Zahir                    The Manifest
Al Batin                     The Hidden
Al Wali                      The Governor
Al Muta'ali                 The Exalted
Al Barr                      The Benefactor
At Tawwab               The Acceptor of Repentance
Al Muntaqim             The Avenger
Al 'Afuw                    The Pardoner
Ar Ra'uf                     The Pardoner
Malik al-Mulk            The Ruler of the Kingdom
Dhu 'l-Jalal wa 'l-Ikram    Lord of Majesty and Generosity
Al Muqsit                  The Equitable
Al Jami'                     The Gatherer
Al Ghani                    The Self-Sufficient
Al Mughni                  The Enricher
Al Mani                      The Preventer
Ad Darr                     The Distresser
An Nafi'                     The Benefactor
An Nur                      The Light
Al Hadi                      The Guide
Al Badi                      The Incomparable
Al Baqi                      The Enduring
Al Warith                   The Inheritor
Ar Rashid                   The Rightly Guided
As Sabur                    The Patient