In the name of Allah, the Benificent, The Merciful.


This is a Page dedicated to all my Muslim brothers & sisters trying to find info about Islam. This Page has a lot of links which will enable you to find out more about Islam.

Links to Islam & Muslims:


Al-Qur'an Was-Sunnah Society

Nation of Islam IS NOT ISLAM:

Islam City

Eeveryone calls themselves Muslims, but how do we know the difference?

How Many names does Allah actually have?
                  People say 99 names, but is that really true?

  Bismilahi-Rahmani-Rahim, is ONLY 3 characters, then why so many of us find it hard to say?

About Islam & Muslims

Why do many of us say mean things about Arabs? Aren't they Muslims too?

A New Site!

The sunnah is what Each Muslim being needs to know to survive in this cruel world!

The Sunnah & the Hadith

A Sensitive & Mostly disregarded issue is the way Muslim Women dress. Check out the below site for detailed Info on Women's dress Codes!

Muslim Women's Dress According to the Qur'an & Sunnah


          Islam World

The Qur'an Search the Qur'an-ul-Karim!

  Free Islamic Search Engine!

Islam Top 50 Sites!

                      Find Out Anything about Islam!

Complete Info Around the Muslim World!

To Be Continued....