Coping with depression
- Instruction in self-change skills
Pinpointing the target behavior and recording its baseline rate of occurrence; discovering the events or situations that precede the target behavior and the consequences
Relaxation training
Learning progressive muscle relaxation to handle the anxiety that often accompanies depression; monitoring tension in daily situations and applying relaxation techniques
- Increasing pleasant events
Monitoring the frequency of enjoyable activities and planning weekly schedules so that each day contains a balance between negative/neutral activities and pleasant ones.
- Cognitive strategies
Learning methods for increasing positive thoughts and decreasing negative thoughts; for identifying irrational thoughts and challenging them; and for using self instructions to help handle problem situations.
- Assertiveness training
Identifying situations in which being non-assertive adds to feeling of depression; learning to handle social interactions more assertively via modeling and role playing.
- Increasing social interaction
Identifying the factors that are contributing to low social interaction (such as getting the habit of doing things alone, feeling uncomfortable due to few social skills); deciding an activities that need to be increased (such as calling friends to suggest getting together) or decreased (such as watching television) in order to improve the level of pleasant social interaction.
Taken from Hilgard's introduction to psychology
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Meichenbaum's cognitive technique for coping with stress:Self instruction training may teach you to rid youself of anxious thoughts
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Dr. Ivan's DEPRESSION CENTRAL This site is Internet's central clearing house for information on all types of depressive disorders
and on the most effective treatments for individuals suffering from Major Depression,
Manic-Depression (Bipolar Disorder), Cyclothymia, Dysthymia and other mood disorders.
Undoing Depression ~ Richard O'Connor, Ph.D This website takes an effort to to help people suffering
with everyday problems unlearn the self-defeating "skills of
depression" and replace them with more constructive,
rewarding ways of living by providing tools that will help people learn how to live well.
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