Who is Phuong Le Tran ?
Hum...Who cares ?
But I still want to tell you. Anyway, I'm an oldest daughter of my parent Loc Le, a sister of 2 sis and 1 bro, and a cute wife of my husband Trung Anh.

I was born in Hue but grew up in Saigon, Vietnam. I went to Bui Thi Xuan for highschool and Sanjose State University in CA, USA for college. I graduated there with a B.S degree in Computer Science in 2002. Then I got back to Vietnam and intention to help my family business for at least 4 years. But things did not turn out as what I wanted. I met Trung Anh in 2003 and marry him end of that year.

And now that I'm married for 3 years as it's now 2006.

That's basically it about me. Thanks for reading !
My lovely husband and I
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Now this would answer the question
Name: Phuong Le Tran
Email: phuongletran@yahoo.com