
[What's New?]

[Other Realms]

[Real Life]

[Silly Stuff]

[Cee's Page]

Why roses?

When I was a child, our yard was surrounded with roses. They were always in bloom for my birthday, even when we thought maybe they weren't going to be that year. The rose is a symbol of womanhood: the beauty of the shape and colors, the strength of the stem, the softness of the petals, and even the danger of the thorns. Blue roses, in particular, are associated with wishes and dreams. I have always thought that the rose Beauty requested as her father's one gift must have been blue.

In these pages you will find my roses...the things I love, things that are too splendid to keep to myself. I hope you enjoy them.


I don't seem to get online as often as I used to...going back to college has a lot to do with that. But I decided that I wanted to put a webpage up again. So here is the beginning of that effort. The first area that I've managed to put up is my Shannara pages. This site contains some of the former "Anne's Shannara Page." Things have changed quite a bit, in my online life as well as in my r/l, and there are a number of good Shannara pages out there now, but enough people protested when Anne's page disappeared that I decided to make some of that information a part of my new page.

Other Realms is a place for exploring all the worlds of my imagination. Here you will find information about what I like to read, including book reviews of fantasy and sf books I've read recently. There's also a section on other books and authors that are too good to miss. I've never outgrown my love of children's books, so there's a section on that as well. And I'll also explore my love of history.

Real Life....maybe you'd rather go to my imaginary realm instead? I sure would...at least some of the time. No? Well, here you'll find information on what I do in the real world, both as a full-time student and a full-time mommy. I just finished my B.A. in English (see my graduation pics!), and now I'm working on my Master's. So (eventually) you'll find some things here that are related to what I've read and written in the process of that. My kids keep me pretty busy, feeding them and acting as doctor mom. I also enjoy music, which helps keep me sane.

Silly Stuff is another thing that keeps me sane. Here you'll find links to some of the amusing things I have found on the web.

When we consider that women have been treated as property
it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property
to be disposed of as we see fit.
-Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1873)

Last updated on: Tuesday July 25 21:47 2000