Frameset Overview
The Blackboard Learning System TM (Release 6)TM learning environment includes a header frame with images and buttons customized by the institution and tabs that navigate to different areas within Blackboard Learning System TM (Release 6). Clicking on a tab will open that area in the content frame. Web pages containing specific content, features, functions, and tools are accessed from the tab areas.
Header Frame
The header frame contains a customizable institution image, e-commerce space (if enabled), and navigation buttons that allow the user to access the institution home page, access Blackboard Learning System TM (Release 6) help, and logoff of Blackboard Learning System TM (Release 6). It also contains tabs that navigate to different areas within Blackboard Learning System TM (Release 6).
Content Frame
This frame is currently showing the My Institution web page.
The content frame always contains one of the following pages:
Tab area: The area that appears in the content frame when a tab is clicked. Tab areas hold broad information and allow the user to access Web pages containing specific content and features.
Web page: A Web page appears in the content frame when accessed through one of the navigational tools described below. Web pages contain specific content or features and originate from tab areas.
Detailed help documentation explaining this frameset may be found at