One of these days, when you have the time, look up into the skies. And if you see a big big cloud that looks like a castle pretend that it is made of ice-cream. Somehow, that makes life a lot prettier, and a whole lot happier.
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Jul 2004 - |
Lounge - Cup of Coffee?
Study -
Kitchen -
Courtyard -
Attic -
Mailbox - |
Hello Everyone. Small introduction? I'm Chinese, 5'7, black hair, dark brown eyes, and the rest is subject to change without notice. Oh... and I have the most adorable rabbit pet in the world. Her name is Mocha. In case someone didn't notice, the title came from the song "Both Sides Now". I guess that's the way everything is, no? This really isn't a tell-all show-all personal homepage. This is more of a treasure box. A place for my important things. More a reminder to myself than any grand designs for getting whoever comes this way to know me.
If you understand. Cool. |