Welcome to Remington Gao's HomePage!

Hi, You! I'm very gald to meet you on the WEB!

I'm now a student in Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Department of Mechanical Engineering.

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Anyway, Come On

1. About Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2. Some of my Favorite Sites
3. I love Music
4. I have written a HTML tutorial in Chinese (in GB code),
Chinese friends, if you want to learn HTML, please click here!


In 1896, Shanghai Jiao Tong University opened its door the admit the first class of 300 students. Theevent marked the culmination of an effort by Sheng Xuanhuai, SJTU's founder, to create a new kindof educational institution relevant to the times and to the nation's need, Where students would beeducated in the acquisition of knowledge. Great emphasis was placed on coupling of teaching andresearch and attention to real-world problems.

Today, education and related research continue to be SJTU's central purpose, with relevance to thepractical world as a guiding principle. The University enjoys a nationwide reputation as one of theoldest, largest, and most important centers for research, students training, and public service in scienceand engineering in China. The University campus covers 153 hectares. It is broadly organized intofour academic schools and 27 academic departments, with 46 undergraduate programs, 59 masterprograms, 30 doctoral programs, and 11 postdoctoral research programs. Within these schools anddepartments are 41 research centers and institutes, 86 laboratories, a well as many interdepartmentallaboratories, centers, and divisions which extended beyond the traditional departmental boundaries.

I want to know more about Shanghai Jiao Tong University

A conner of the Minghang new campus

The Old Library which was built in 1916,
now it is no longer used as a library but the History Museum

A four-foot robot born in my department

Cool Sites Here !

Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. Fudan Univ. Tsinghua Univ.
SJTU BBS Shanghai Online Beijing Online
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I love music very much.
When I was just a kid, I began to know many of artists around the world.Now I often listen to the music of Rock 'N Roll, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Grunge, Etc.

Here are some MIDIs of my favorite songs

Smells Like Teen Spirits     by Nirvana

Tears In Heaven      by  Eric Clapton

A Short Song Written by Me

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Last Modified: Mar. 8, 1997

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