(Italy) General informations (text) |
Northern-Eastern Italy E 12°12' N 44°25' Central Europe Time (-1) Daylight saving (mar-oct) (click on rectangles for more informations) |
Downtown map (click on rectangles for texts and info) |
Ravenna on line (city net) |
Ravenna: an older "Venice"
Ravenna was the last Capital of the Occidental Roman Empire (Vth century a.C.) and the main western city of the Byzantine (Oriental Roman) Empire (VIth century a.C.), a town plenty of marbles and shining golden mosaics, in the ancient time crossed by canals and sorrounded by lagoons (see monuments).
Harbour & seashore
(Adriatic Sea)
merchandise port / passenger line to Greece (seasonal)
tourist beaches (10-15 km)
Main roads & distances
Motorway (Toll) A14 - A14 bis (light green) |
Bologna: 68 km Motorway A1's junction:
European freeway E 55 - E 45 (dark green) |
Rome: 355 km Perugia & Assisi: 195 km |
National road SS 309 National road SS 16 |
Venice: 145 Km Rimini: 50 Km |
Nearest international Airport
Bologna airport "Guglielmo Marconi"
[distance: km 72 by motorway A14 (toll)]
scheduled flies from/to London, Paris, Rome, Munich and from/to other main European airports.
Historical monuments
[** = wonderful * = fine/very interesting: according to Italian Touring Club (T.C.I) guide]
S.Vitale** [VIth century a.C.] (inside: classical and byzantine mosaics*) // Mausoleo of Galla Placidia** [Vth a.C.] (inside: late roman mosaics**) // Museo Nazionale* (archaeological museum).
S. Apollinare Nuovo** [Vth a.C.] (outside: bell tower* ; inside: classic and byzantine mosaics**).
Battistero Neoniano** [Vth a.C.] (late roman mosaics**) // Museo Arcivescovile* (Archibishop's Museum; inside: byzantine ivory chair**).
S. Francesco* [V-Xth a.C.] // Dante Alighieri's grave [XVIIIth a.C.] (italian main poet).
S. Giovanni Evangelista* [Vth a.C.] (outside: gothic gate* XIVth a.C.)
S Maria in Porto [XVI-XVIIth a.C.] // Loggetta Lombardesca* [XVIth a.C.] // Pinacoteca Comunale* (Museum of fine arts).
Piazza del Popolo [buildings of XVI-XIXth century a.C.] (central square).
Spirito Santo [Vth a.C.] // Battistero degli Ariani [VIth a.C.] (inside: byzantine mosaics).
S. Agata maggiore [V-VIth a.C.].
Rocca Brancaleone [XVth a. C.]: venetian castle(inside: pubblic gardens).
Sorroundings (out of map)
North-east (1 km): Mausoleo di Teodorico* [VIth a.C.].
South (5 km): Basilica di S. Apollinare in Classe** [VI-IXth a.C.] (outside: bell tower*, roman ruins* of "Classe"; inside columns and mosaics*).
City Hospital "S. Maria delle Croci"
(Italian National Healthcare)
Viale Randi 5
Emergency: phone call 118
[Unit of vascular and interventional Radiology (click for page)]
Railways Station
Trains to/for
Bologna (junction for Milan, Rome, Verona)
Ferrara (junction for Venice)
Rimini (junction for Ancona)