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What's up People?!?!
I'm Nicole. My nickname on the net is Nicmari/Nic_mari. I'm from and live in Chicago. I love to shoot pool, play bid whist, listen to R&B, rap, and house music, and watch tv/DVR(TiVo). I like to spend my time with my family and friends...cause "Nothing is guaranteed".
I graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy, background in Psychology and Human Development and Family Studies. I graduated way back in the day in December of 1999.
You may be wondering what I am doing with my degree...maybe not. I perform on El platforms and sell the newspaper, Streetwise, on corners in the downtown area. Okay, that's wrong...homelessness is not funny.
I'm a Transportation Security Officer/Airport Screener for TSA.
This homepage is just something to take up space and for me to ramble publically, since its free and I've had it since 1996 when I learned HTML; Shout out to Ama who taught me the basics of HTML! I moved this site from my uiuc email to geocities in 99...let me clarify that before anyone starts saying "Geocities wasn't around in 96!"
There are some old pictures on the funny .wav link above. Recent pictures are in my slide shows below. I will admit, I rarely update this old thing...I just don't have the heart to pull the plug. Its weird if you are reading must have gotten here from Yahoo profiles. Anything else you want to know, check out my MySpace page.
Anyway...Here are some works of art...especially to women and gay men! If you want to see something a little more X-rated, look at my Dick Wall. Well, my rambling must come to an end. Please feel free to run around in my homepage, laugh if you have a sense of humor(cause I'm silly), and then find somewhere else to go...or stay on my matter.
Check out InboxDollars, register, and use me as a name is Nicmari. I've made a little money on here myself. It might be something you want to get into.
This homepage was modified in some particular way on December 10th, 2008. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Thanks for visiting, Take care and See Ya!
The beast that guards my homepage-Buster
R.I.P. Buster ??/??/89 to 12/17/97
You're in a better place now, Baby.