My Gallery

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The World is Still Flat

Assignment #2 from Computer Imaging 1. This is the first one where I really showed any creativity whatsoever. The three that came before this were just a bunch of shapes. This one was slightly more complex. Play with Corel Draw, and play with perspective. Dat's it. I'm not unhappy with this project, but it's a bit dull.

The World is Still Flat

Ghosts of Yesterday

To make a long story short, from left to right is my Auntie (no real relation) Lora, our friend Bill, and my mom, Mom. We all got together back in 1996 or 1997 in Geneva, FL (distant redneck suburb of Orlando). All three people in the photo were in the same graduating class in Hawaii. Mom and Lora have stayed in touch since then, but Bill was a total surprise. We had just met him like a year or so before this. Anyway, I put their yearbook pictures in as a photocollage using Corel PhotoPaint, and mixed-and-matched. Can you guess who is who? =]

Ghosts of Yesterday

Superior Armament

This project required that we use Corel OCR Trace to create a Draw version of an original paper sketch, then put in texture and stuff like that. I started by creating the background in PhotoPaint, and imported that into Draw so I could add the plane. I sketched the plane using a photo from one of Jane's encyclopedias of armaments.

Superior Armament

Do You Dare?

This was the final project for Computer Imaging 1. We were given free reigns about what to do. I used Draw, PhotoPaint, and OCR Trace, and kind of jumped back and forth among the three programs. The maze and guitar were both started in OCR Trace and the textures were applied in Draw. Everything else is PhotoPaint.

Superior Armament

Fully Fledged

This was my final project from Computer Imaging 2: Image Manipulation. I got all the bird images out of different hawk books in the library, and the baby is from a book on having babies. It helped me score a "B-" in the class. Nitpickers. Extra spiffy special thanks go to Tori and Jen. Without you both, this project wouldn't have seen the light of night. Love yas!! =]

Fully Fledged

Life Distilled

This is project #1 from my Spring '00 Computer Imaging 2: Image Creation class, and you see it here first! Basically it chronicles the still lives of three objects (ripped up soda can, stick, petri dish with yellow stuff on bottom) using different techniques from Painter version 4 for Macintosh. I'll let you guess which one is in the style of Van Gogh. I managed to get this online before I even handed it in (oooh...aaahhh).

Life Distilled

Avert Eyes Meant...

MMkay, this is Image Creation Spring '00 Project 2. We used the "tracing paper" function of Painter 4 with three different scanned images from a magazine. I picked the February 3, 2000 issue of Newsweek. I won't say who the pictures depict, so nyaa. The images are arranged in a specific order, so I've linked this thumbnail to an HTML file for more convenient viewing. Yer welcome.

Avert Eyes Meant...

Makeup Your Mind

Finals time again! GRRR! Well, at least I have this ass-sign-meant off my mind now. I think it's some of my best work yet. The woman's hair, head, body, and outline were blatantly traced from a magazine ad (ain't my fault not being able to draw freehanded). Everything was done in Fractal Designs' Painter 4 for Macintosh except the mask, which was done in Adobe Illustrator. It's the same aspect ratio as your average outdoor billboard. Frickin' advertising majors, eh?

Makeup Your Mind

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