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25MAY06 22:40

A survey I took that I found interesting...
You scored as Officer. Officer, you're the brass. The leader of the bunch. You have leadership qualities, or you have a really big ego. Most likely both. You know how to get things done, and don't care who you have to kill to get them done. Your a man/woman with a mission and to stand in your way means pain. You have gumption and intelligence to back it up. Hold the line!!! AND SOMEONE GET ME A STARBUCKS!!!



Special Ops




Combat Infantry




Support Gunner






Which soldier type are you?
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23MAY06 12:15
Wish list is updated...making plans for the Summer, to include attending my High School reuinion. I'm excited.

Blast from the past...Ten years ago!

Born in Bremerton, WA and a 1996 graduate of Bremerton High School in Washington State, I received a Navy ROTC scholarship and subsequently attended Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. I received a BA in Biology (Animal Physiology) and an Officer's commission. After five years of worldwide service on USS RAINIER and USS MOMSEN, I resigned my commission to attend Western University of Health Sciences on a Navy Health Professions scholarship. I will graduate in 2009 as a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.

Name: Mr. Arriel E. Atienza
Waiting patiently for: The end of the First Year of medical school!
Learning: All Things "Musculoskeletal."
Drinking: Gatorade.
Reading: Mostly class notes and presentations.
Listening to: My old, outdated alternative rock.
Contemplating: Why it’s getting tougher to keep the grades up.
Recently discovered: That taking tests is just as much study as it is luck.

See the Wish List

Outside the Compound:
WesternU BanWeb
WesternU Blackboard
Sprint PCS
Nationwide Insurance
Washington Mutual Bank
First Command Bank
Credit Card Information
ScoreCard Rewards
Commonwealth of Virginia
State of Maine
California Republic
State of Washington
Ford Maverick Information Site
Liberty Owners Special Team

Contact Me

A. E. Atienza--Pomona, CA
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