"Art Emanating from the Laboratory: Portraiture is More Than Just a Face." Geneart. 3 Dec., 2000. On Gary Schneider's Genetic Self- Portrait.
"Art Emanating from the Laboratory: Microphotography." Geneart. 3 Dec., 2000. On Nancy Kedersha's Cellular Portraits.
"Art + Bio." The Leonardo Gallery. Curator, David Stairs. 1 Dec., 2000. Based on the Art + Bio exhibition at Central Michigan University, March 1998.
"Creative Biovisions." Out of Sight: Imaging/Imagining Science. 1 Dec. 2000.
---Introduction to Creative Biovisions
Site administered by the Santa Barbara Museum of Art.
Dean, Agnes. "Artistic Vision and Molecular Genetics." Art Journal. 55.1 (1996): 34-35.
Dunn, John and Mary Ann Clark. "Life Music: The Sonification of Proteins." Leonardo On- Line. 15 Dec. 1997. 5 Dec. 2000.
"Felice Frankel." High Tech, High Touch. 5 Dec. 2000.
"Felice Frankel." MIT. 5 Dec. 2000.
GATTACA. Dir. Andrew Niccol. Perf. Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Jude Law. Columbia Pictures, 1997.
Geneart. 3 Dec. 2000.
---"Joan Fontecuberta." 3 Dec. 2000.
--- "Nancy Kedersha." 3 Dec. 2000.
--- "Paradise Now."3 Dec. 2000. Curators, Marvin Heiferman and Carols Kismaric. Online version of the Exit Art exhibit.
"Genetic Music." MP3.com. 5 Dec. 2000.
Joselit, David. "Biocollage." Art Journal. 59.3 (2000): 44.
"Julian LaVerdiere."Geneart. 1 Dec. 2000.
Kitcher, Philip. The Lives to Come: The Genetic Revolution and Possibilities. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.
Laber, Emily. "Variations on a Gene." Sciences. 40.5 (2000): 20-23. A review and discussion of the Paradise Now art exhibit.
Levy, Ellen. "Contemporary Art and the Genetic Code." Art Journal. 55.1 (1996): 20-24.
Li, Wentian. "DNA and Protein Music." 23 Apr. 1998. 5 Dec. 2000.
"Nancy Kedersha."High Tech, High Touch. 3 Dec., 2000.
Nelkin, Dorothy. "The Gene as a Cultural Icon." Art Journal. 55.1 (1996): 56-61.
Pollack, Barbara. "The Genetic Esthetic." Art News. 99.4 (2000): 134-138.
Rooke, Steven. "The Genetic-Evolutionary Art Process Employed by Steven Rooke." The Evolutionary Art of Steven Rooke. 7 Dec. 2000.
®™ark. 1 Dec. 2000.
- - - "The Biological Property Fund." 1 Dec. 2000.
Schneider, Gary. "Gary Schneider: Genetic Self-Portrait." International Center of Photography. 23 Nov., 2000.
Suzuki, David and Peter Knudtson. Genethics: The Clash Between the New Genetics and Human Values. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Tanne, Janice Hopkins. "Paradise Now: Picturing the Genetic Revolution." British Medical Journal. International edition. 321.7265 (2000): 903. Review of the Paradise Now art exhibit.
Works Consulted
Barker, Penelope. Editor. Genetics and Society. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1995.
Blezard, Rob. "Who Will Weigh Genetic Tests?" Nov. 19, 2000.
Blumberg, Roger. Mendelweb. Nov. 19, 2000.
Cole-Turner, Ronald. The New Genesis: Theology and the Genetic Revolution. Louisville, KY: John Knox Press, 1993.
Frankel, Mark and Albert Teich. Editors. The Genetic Frontier: Ethics, Law and Policy. Washington, D. C. : American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1994.
"Gary Schneider." High Tech, High Touch. 3 Dec. 2000.
Genolog: A Genetic Art Forum. 3 Dec., 2000.
Gianturco, Michael. "Selling Genes." Forbes. 156.8 (1995): 120.
"Identity Isn't in the Genes." Editorial. Christian Science Monitor. 92.60 (2000): 8.
King, Chris. "Through a Glass Darkly: The Genetic Future of Eden." 3 Dec., 2000.
Lander, Eric. "In Wake of Genetic Revolution, Questions About Its Meaning." Whitehead Center for Genome Research. 29 Nov. 2000. New York Times. 12 Sep. 2000.
Miller, Hugh. "DNA Blueprints, Personhood and Genetic Privacy." Health Matrix: Journal of Law Medicine. 8.2 (1998): 179-222.
National Institute of Health. Altered Fates, the Promise of Gene Therapy: an Examination of the Revolution that May Change the Face of Medicine. Chicago: Chicago Tribune Company, 1987.
Newbrough, Celeste. "Cloning, Reproductive Rights, and the Gender Revolution." 19 Nov. 2000.
"Objects of Art: Double-stranded Helix DNA Model." United States National Library of Medicine. 26 Nov., 2000.
"Objects of Art: Jane W. Larson Ceramic Mural--Milestone Molecules in Medicine." United States National Library of Medicine. 26 Nov., 2000.
"Out of Sight: Imaging/Imagining Science." Santa Barbara Museum of Art. 29 Nov., 2000.
Renfrew, Colin. "Application of DNA in Archaeology: A Review of the DNA Studies of the Ancient Biomolecules Initiative." Ancient Biomolecules. 2.2/3 (1998): 107-117.
Robertson, John. "Liberty and Human Cloning." Nov. 19, 2000.
Shenk, David. "Biocapitalism: What Price the Genetic Revolution?" 29 Nov. 2000. Harper's Magazine. Dec. 1997.
Silver, Lee M. Remaking Eden: Cloning and Beyond in a Brave New World. New York: Avon Books, 1997.
Silverstein, Alvin. Futurelife, the Biotechnology Revolution. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. :Prentice- Hall, 1982.
Susanne, Charles. "Genetic Engineering: Ethical Dimensions." Nov. 19, 2000.
Thurtle, Phillip. "The Creation of Genetic Identity." Stanford Electronic Humanities Review. Ed. Marcel Liebermann and Laura Kerr. Vol. 5, Supplement: Cultural and Technological Incubations of Fascism. Dec. 17, 1996. Accessed 1 Dec., 2000.
Trembly, Ara C. "Genetics Becomes a Marketing Tool." National Underwriter. 103.24 (1999): 49.
Wilson, Stephen."Conceptual Design/InfoArts Links." 22 Nov. 2000.