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Elizabeth's Favourite Places on the Web

yahoo logo There are lots of places that interest me on the WorldWideWeb, I'll only mention a few of the ones that I use regularly. First and foremost, everyone needs a search engine, and I use Yahoo's UK and Ireland one. This link will bring you to the Yahoo home page.

The most amazing place I have found is . It's a collection of 29 themed communities - you can add your own 'homestead' to the most appropriate 'neighbourhood' and visit the pages of about 200,000 other people. It's incredibly popular and vacancies are fairly limited, but it's always worth visiting the chat rooms and forums. I got my homestead a couple of months ago and I hope to update this site regularly and make it more interesting. Three of my brothers have also joined the GeoCities community, go to my personal page for links to their pages.

klingon logoYou could, of course, learn Klingon at the Klingon Language Institute! (Did I not mention I was a Star Trek fan?) They have made interesting efforts to translate various works of English literature into Klingon: The Bible, Shakespeare's Hamlet etc. A must for dedicated Trekkers, but possibly not for Shakespeare fans! If only James. T. Kirk had researched the WWW of the 1990's and learned Klingon...wouldn't diplomatic relations have improved dramatically?

Some cool sites I like are:




