History Of Sigma Kappa
As the majestic Pharaoh Tut left the darkness behind, entering in the light...so his vision flashed with the colors of the past promising the "GOLDEN FUTURE" of tommorrow.
The "Genesis" of Sigma Kappa
The "Genesis" of Sigma Kappa Chapter was sparked by eight men who made their
pilgrimage out of the darkness. These brothers walked in a path similar to the
JEWELS who held up the light years before, and it continues to shine into the future.
They united together to uplift humanity and to reach out to their campus and
community. These eight men, Brothers Karl Bell, Phil Wall, Eugene Green, Obie
Austin, Steve Hall, John P. Lacy, Robert Black, and Rodney Watson are the charter members of Sigma Kappa. The chapter was
founded at Missouri Western State College in St. Joseph, Missouri in October 12, 1991.
S.S. Trinity
Spring '90
Karl Bell
Phil S. Wall
Eugene Green
S.S. Five Senses
Spring '91
Steve Hall
Obie Austin
John Lacy
Robert Black
Rodney Watson