Out of the Night...
Into the World of the Black and Gold
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.Sensational Sigma Kappa Chapter
Greetings and Welcome from the men of the Sensational
Sigma Kappa Chapter. This webpage is dedicated to the "SEVEN"
visionary men who laid the foundation and built the Big and the Bold that wear the BLACK and OLD GOLD.....A-PHI!!
Legacy of Alpha Phi Alpha The Seven Jewels
The founders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. were no ordinary achievers. Given racial
attitudes in 1906, their accomplishments were monumental. As founder Henry Arthur Callis
euphemistically stated that because the half-dozen African American students at Cornell University
during the school year 1904-05 did not return to campus the following year, the incoming students
in 1905-06, in founding Alpha Phi Alpha, were determined to bind themselves together to ensure
that each would survive in the racially hostile environment. In coming together with this simple act,
they preceded by decades the emergence of such on-campus programs as affirmative action, upward
bound and remedial assistance. The students set outstanding examples of scholarship, leadership
and success of preceding the efforts even of the NAACP and similar civil rights organizations.
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