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About Maryalena!

Where do I go to school?

I am a student at Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri. I am majoring in public relations. I also plan to receive a certificate in Leadership Skills and in Writing as a Profession.

What activities I am involved in?

I am active in many clubs at Webster including the Media Association, Women in Media, the CIA, which stands for Commuter Involvement Association. This year, I am director of public relations for the Media Association and Treasurer for Women in Media. Currently, I am President of the CIA. I was also the chair of the Student Activities Council until I resigned earlier this year. I was the student chair of the Welcome Week committee, and student co-chair of the Homecoming committee. If you have any questions about Webster or the activities I am involved in, feel free to e-mail me at

Do I work?

During last school year, I worked as a STAR or a Student Telecounselor Admissions Representative. I talked to prospective students and answered their questions about Webster University. During August 1997, I was an Orientation Leader. During breaks, I usually work at A.G. Edwards, which is a stock brokerage firm, as seasonal help.

Media Organizations at Webster University

Webster University


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